UK Contact Centre Forum

Martin Roseweir

Martin is Managing Director of Bill Gosling Outsourcing, leading the UK team and in addition, involved with global strategy for the company, building client relationships and developing strategies to enhance performance and improve processes.

Alex Russell-Rutherford

Alex is a senior customer experience consultant at Skewb with over 15 years transforming customer experience in heavily regulated industries.

Paul Fletcher

Paul has an extensive background in the call centre industry spanning more than two decades and is the Managing Director of CC33, a renowned contact centre that specialises in providing strategic, tactical and flexible solutions for businesses and consumers.

Justin Aldrich

Justin is a globally experienced Growth Director, focused on all aspects of BPO and CX and has worked with household brand name clients all around the world.

Carol King

Carol has extensive experience gained over 25 years’ Customer Service Management and is currently Customer Support and Contact Centre Manager for the Rail Delivery Group, a membership organisation that works on behalf of the rail industry.

Freda Owusu

Freda is an award winning Customer Services expert with experience in embedding and delivering world class customer service.

Chris Wheeler

Chris has worked in Customer Service for over 20 years with the last 13 years at UW where he started in the call centre and has gone on to work in various areas of the business before moving into his current role as Head of Customer Operations.

UKCCF Executive Club Breakfast Roundtable Discussion Group, 2nd November 2023, London

Executive Club, Roundtable 2nd November 2023, The Fenchurch Building, London   Event sponsored by:  Spaces are limited so book your place today!  Everyone is shouting about the big trend technologies that will change the customer engagement and employee experience game in contact centres. It’s now well understood that digitalisation in contact centres has gone from […]

Exclusive UKCCF Executive Club Event, 11th October 2023, F1 Arcade, London

Exclusive UKCCF Executive Club Event 11th October 2023, F1 Arcade, London Event sponsored by: ‘Exploring proven use cases for generative AI and how implementing in the contact centre can improve CX and demonstrate operational efficiencies to the C Suite’ Arrival refreshments and networking 5pm Spaces are limited so book your place today! As AI becomes […]