UK Contact Centre Forum

UKCCF Networking Event, Scotland

1st December 2022, 9am – 12:15pm GMT 

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1st December 2022, 9am – 12:15pm (GMT)

Novotel Glasgow Centre, 181 Pitt Street, Glasgow, G2 4DT – Map & directions
The UKCCF like to invite you to join us for our next UKCCF Networking Event at the Go-Centric offices in Glasgow on the 1st December 2022 with Coffee & Registration from 9.00am. We have four guest speakers covering a range of topics that effect our industry everyday. We hope that you can join us. 


9:00am – 9:30am – Coffee & Registration

9:30am – 9:45am – Trevor Butterworth, Founder and CEO, UKCCF
UKCCF Update
Trevor will give an update on the user group and its plans for 2023.

9:45am – 10:15am – Jeanette Hunter, Jabra Contact Centre Specialist and Noreen Rafique, Jabra Scotland Account Manager
“Caring for your frontline: How to support agent wellbeing with technology”
Stressed Contact Centre agents are considering career changes, making talent retention a priority. Understand how new technology can provide actionable insights from every call to support positive AX and CX. 

10:15am – 10:45am – Gerry Brown, Elerian
“Connecting the BOTS – Joining up to win the hearts and minds of customers & colleagues”
As customer service pivots to meet ever changing customer expectations many companies are investing time & money in chatbots to deliver better customer and colleague experiences. However, questions remain as to how, where and when to deploy this technology, and this presentation will explore and answer many of the questions that businesses are asking – or should be.

10.45am – 11.15am – Coffee Break

11:15am – 11:45am – Debbie Bicker, Account Director, SVL
“The future is omni-channel”
Omni-channel is now a vital part of any contact centre’s core business and in this presentation we will look at how omni-channel collaboration tools enhance the agent, supervisor and customer experience.

11.45am – 12.15pm – David Harper, Go-Centric
Case Study
David will deliver a case study on Go-centric outlining call volumes their recruitment and retention strategy, call volumes and how they support their customers in an ever changing environment.

12.15pm – Session Finishes

We do hope that you can join us for this session, if you have any questions regarding this session, please contact:

Trevor Butterworth


T: 07932 669 299

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