UKCCF Networking Event
1st November 2024 – 9am – 12:15pm, Docklands, London
Join us for our next Networking Event at the RSVP offices in Docklands, London.
Coffee & Networking from 9:00am
Spaces are limited so book your place today!

The UKCCF would like to invite you to join us for our next networking session on the 1st November 2024 from 9.00am – 12.15pm.
09:00 – 09:30
Coffee & Registration
09:30am – 09:45
Trevor Butterworth, CEO/Founder UKCCF Ltd
Welcome and UKCCF update
9.45am – 10.15am
Andy Dalton, Manpower
The Current Challenges Surrounding the Attraction and Retention Contact Centre Staff.
We will use insight data to bring to life the current market challenges and trends UK-wide, spotlighting London(the talk location) and how Manpower is helping negate these through various solutions, ranging from the introduction of Apprentices to setting Career pathways through our MyPath programme and assisting clients with our TCOW (total cost of the workforce) and Talent Mapping offerings.
10.15am – 10.45am
Scott Budding, Calabrio
Workforce Engagement do’s and dont’s
Learn how WEM helps you walk the walk with agent retention and motivation, turning schedules into tools for happier, more engaged teams!
10.45am – 11.15am
Coffee Break
11.15am – 11.45am
Chris de Souza, CGI
The UKCCF Contact Centre Accreditation Programme
Chris will share some insight in to the new accreditation programme for the contact centre sector
11.45am – 12.15pm
Simon Christie, RSVP
Case Study
RSVP will share how they operate there estate of contact centres sharing insight in to how they recruit train and engage there staff with some innovative support that they provide.
Meeting Closes.
We do hope that you can join us for this session, if you have any questions regarding this session, please contact:
Trevor Butterworth
T: 07932 669 299
One Canada Square
E14 5AA